Garment Designing and Fashion Technology

GDFT is an integrated thread in the whole fabric of HLC. The course is designed for both unmarried and married females who want to master in the field of Garment Design & tailoring. The short & long courses equip the students with the expertise in both design & construction of apparel, textiles & accessories – “We don’t design Dresses, we design Dreams.”
HLC, a registered (1542-125/1987-88) social and charitable institution, is a sister concern of Loyola School, XIM and XUB. The motto of HLC is “Live the Fullness of Life.”
It has the following objectives.
• Promoting Personal, Interpersonal and Community Growth.
• Striving to share the “Fullness of Life” expressed in Holistic Human Values.
• Enhancing the employability of post –matriculation youth with emphasis on marginalized and poor migrant youth of Bhubaneswar & other parts of Odisha by providing them with technical, supplementary and soft skills to prepare them to be responsible citizens of the country.